Objective To explore appropriate nursing interventions to reduce vertigo incidence and related complication in patients with vertigo history after laparoscope cholecystectomy. 目的通过护理干预减少有眩晕病史患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术后眩晕症状及相关并发症的发生。
Objective to study the treatment and rehabilitation of cervical vertigo syndrome ( CV) caused by cervical spondylosis. 目的探讨健康体检者抽血晕针综合征的相关因素及其护理对策。
Objective: To investigate the nerve therapy efficacy of cervical vertigo patients. 目的探讨神经阻滞治疗颈性眩晕的疗效。
Objective To explore the characteristics of TCM syndrome of vertigo. 目的探讨眩晕症的中医证候特征。
The objective vertigo is a disorder characterized by the inter vestibular nerve. 真性眩晕与末梢或中枢前庭系统障碍有关。
ABSTRACT: Objective To explore the etiological factors of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( BPPV). 摘要:目的探讨良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的发病因素。
Objective: To search the relationship between the aged vertigo and cerebral blood insufficiency. 目的:探讨老年人眩晕与脑血管缺血的关系。
Objective: To study the effective curative methods for cervical vertigo. 目的:探寻治疗颈性眩晕症的有效治疗方法。
Objective To investigate the effects of Anti-vertigo granule ( AVG) on vertigo and related pathological factors with the lesion clinically and experimentally. 目的研究抗晕平(颗粒)冲剂(KYPCJ)对血瘀动物模型眩晕相关因素的作用,并观察该药对眩晕临床的疗效。
Objective To test healthy subjects and patients with vertigo and balance function disorder with postural sway measurement graphs. 目的对正常人及具有眩晕、平衡功能障碍患者的重心平衡动摇检测图形进行分析研究。
Objective: Using cervical vertebrae exercise load test to induce cervical vertigo. 目的:采用颈椎运动负荷实验,诱导颈性眩晕的发生,观察诱发症状。
Objective To analyze the relation between dizziness or vertigo in aged patients and the basilar artery ( BA) images on conventional CT. 目的探讨分析中老年人的头晕或眩晕与其常规头颅CT平扫所示基底动脉表现的关系。
Objective To explore the role of platelet in the ischemic basilar arterial vertigo ( VBI) and the clinical value of granule membrane glycoprotein of platelet ( GMP140). 目的探讨血小板在椎基动脉缺血性眩晕(VBI)发病中起的作用及血小板颗粒膜糖蛋白(GMP140)的临床意义。
The results indicate that TCD detection could offer objective foundation for pattern identification of vertigo. 表明TCD检测可为眩晕证的辨证提供客观依据。
Objective To assess the relationship between carotid stenosis and the symptom of vertigo. 目的探讨眩晕与颈动脉狭窄之间的联系。
Objective To establish animal model of alternobaric vertigo and to observe the change of its vestibular function and morphology of vestibular end organs. 目的建立变压性眩晕的动物模型,观察前庭功能和前庭终器形态学的变化。
Objective To measure a series of values in people with peripheral vertigo during the acute period by the postural sway examination. 目的检测急性期周围性眩晕患者的姿势晃动各类型值。
Objective To discuss the significance of detections of BSAEP and TCD for vertigo of basal-vertebral artery ischemia ( VBI). 目的探讨椎-基底动脉缺血性眩晕对脑干听觉诱发电位和经颅多普勒检查的意义。
TCD ultrasound is harmless and plays an objective role in assessing the curative effect in patients with aural vertigo. TCD超声检测是一种无创性的检测手段,可以作为评价耳源性眩晕疗效的客观指标。
Objective: Cervical vertigo which has complicated clinical symptoms usually accompanied with cervical myelopathy and its curative effect is uncertain because of poor diagnostic method. 目的临床上颈椎病患者常同时伴有颈性眩晕,其症状复杂,缺乏有效的诊断手段,因而疗效不确切。
Objective To observe the incidence of variety of acute vestibulopathy ( vertigo) and the emphasis was put on the differential diagnosis of vertebral basilar insufficienc ( yVBI) and migrainous vertigo ( MV). 目的了解各种急性前庭病(眩晕)的发病情况,重点鉴别急性单发性眩晕中的椎基底动脉供血不足导致的眩晕和偏头痛性眩晕。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of electroacupuncture plus traction for treating cervical vertigo. 目的观察电针配合牵引治疗颈性眩晕的疗效。
Objective To quantitatively evaluate the vestibular spinal reflex function of normal subjects and vertigo patients. 目的定量分析正常人与眩晕患者前庭脊髓反射功能。
Objective To understand the various factors causing vertigo and balance disorders in the elderly. 目的了解临床中导致老年人眩晕和平衡障碍的病因及其影响因素。
Objective: Studied on mechanism and clinical effectiveness for the cervical vertigo with drug electric spark. 目的研究药物电火花疗法治疗颈性眩晕的机理及临床疗效。
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of rehabilitation training for patients with vertigo. 目的探讨指导眩晕患者康复训练的方法。
The result showed that the latency ( wave I, ⅲ, V) and latency interpeak differences ( wave I  ̄ V) increased while the stimulus rate increased. Thus, we provide an objective basis for the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic vertigo. 结果表明,在眩晕患者中增加声刺激频率,大大增加了听脑干反应I、III、V波潜伏期及反应波I~V潜伏期峰间期,从而为缺血性眩晕的诊断和治疗增添客观依据。
[ Objective] Vertigo disease is common and frequently-occurring disease, related to almost all medical disciplines. [目的]眩晕性疾病是常见病,多发病,关系到几乎所有的医学学科。